Thursday, December 11, 2008


The weather is dreary and it is taking my mood with it.

Hello blog world. I haven't been around for 2 months or so and I figured it was time to update. I remembered that this existed when my friend Steve told me about his Live Journal. Blogger is so much cooler.

I had class today and I had rehearsal which technically is a class but I dont consider it the same thing. Last night was ridiculous and I dont remember much from it.... I just remember focusing a lot. I am not supposed to take cough medicine but I did and I learned my lesson. As scary as everything was though, I kind of want to take more. THe feeling was so freeing and my worries just went out the window. I have to finish this later becasue I am getting picked up by Deb and I have rehearsal tonight. After rehearsal we are going to the Russians place for a party for the Canadian. haha I love them ... theyre funny people.

Ta ta for now.


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