Yeah ... I couldn't think of a good title for this blog so I named it tired.
Today I worked for seven hours and went to this kid Cody's house for his birthday. It was him me Joey Liz and Colin and we made cookies and icing from scratch. It was fun. I ended up with a whole butt load of icing on my face because they thought it would be fun to have an icing war.
If you are reading my blog, please post a comment. I know there are people out there who are reading this and I would like to know who my "audience" is. I dont care if I dont like you or if you think its creepy that your reading my blog without me actually directly telling you about it. Whatever.. you know about it.... I hope youre enjoying hearing about my adventures.
Last of the day is this. I dont know why I cant get you out of my head. I havent talked to you in a while... probably like 8 months but all of a sudden you are just hanging out in my mind. I hung out with you a lot last year and than you really got on my nerves so I stopped talking to you but you were never rude with me. You were always really kind and understanding. You never quite understood why I stopped talking to you but you always said... when you come around I will be here. You trusted me so quickly... I think that might have scared me a bit. That along with me feeling like I was your only friend. You always called me to hang out... ....... If you liked me, I would have felt more comfortable than if you were just calling me and texting me all day everyday. I miss hanging out with you. I saw someone today that kind of looked like you and they were wearing the same cologne. It was weird. I feel like I cant just start talking to you again because a. it would be weird to just come out of left field and b. I dont want to hurt you or myself again.
A bit lost.....
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Yo yo yo....I havent had the time to write so here I am.
Thursday I had my last three finals which were the performance part of Aural Theory, my jury, and my written theory. All of them went very well. I was freaking out about my Jury because I had no time to breath between my Aural and Jury. I made it work though. :)
When I got back to my apartment, I finished writing my paper for my acting class, packed and talked to people on the computer. I never thought I was very good at multi-tasking but apparently I am because I did all of those things and gave each one a lot of attention. After I moved out of my apartment I went to Debs so we could hang out before the Ugly Sweater party. The ugly sweater party was interesting to say the least. It was a bunch of people that I wouldn't put together, hanging out and watching christmas movies. I was happy when I got there because Steve went even though he wasnt feeling well... I dont think he had fun because he left early. :(
When we left the house we went to Debs and just hung out until I fell asleep on her recliner and woke up at 8:30 to drive home.
The drive home was nice because I had some me time and as I approached my town the snow on the side of the road became more apparent. That night I went to Wal*mart with my mom and her friend and I rode around in an electric scooter and acted a fool.
Today I woke up at like 10 and hung out with my brothers for a little bit until I had to go to work. I hate working at the place I work at so much but its money that I dont have and time that I do. It was a long shift to work...2-10.... but I guess it was nice. The people I worked with during the summer remembered me and made me feel "welcome". I got to see the kid I liked during the summer and I still might have a bit of a crush on him. At night it got so cold and I didnt have a sweater so the managers told me that I could wear his which was nice. lol Now i am sitting on my couch with my dog sleeping on my lap and my brother humming Tenacious D songs. I am exausted and I think I might be getting sick. Not bronchitis/pneumonia sick... like fever chills sick. I will take a bath and see how I feel tomorrow.
One little rant before I go...
I am about to make myself sound the a grinch... but I hate christmas time. I love what it stands for... family getting together and enjoying each others company and being happy to be alive.... BUT.... why cant we do this all the time. Why is it that ONE day out of the year do we buy a whole bunch of shit for each other and show how much we love each other? First off... I dont think that we need to buy each other really expensive and or gaudy things to show love or affection. A card or a hug or something small could fill the shoes of the new Wii Fit or a new snowboard. Along those same lines.... If we are going to get each other gifts I think we should use our knowledge of the person to buy gifts. For example... Little susie makes a christmas list of 6 things that she wants for christmas. This list says that she wants a barbie car, a kitchen set, a new bed, a puppy, roller blades and an easy bake oven. Now... why do her parents need a list to know what their daughter likes. I think we should pay more attention to our loved ones so that we can get something thoughtful. Jill got our group of friends a talking Andy doll... from 40-year-old virgin and I think that it pure genius. She knew what we liked because she spends time with us and knows our personalities. Its an inside joke between the 5 of us and she didnt need a list to make us happy.
I told my mom that I was going to be really really pissed off if she got me anything for christmas. She does enough for me throughout the year and I know she doesnt have the money to buy me stuff so that is my christmas present to her. I think she is still oging to buy me something but I really dont want her to.
OHH!!! this is another thing about christmas that bugs me. Christmas is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year but people get really really bitchy and uptight. If prices arent right or if a store doesnt carry something that a person needs, people get soooooo mad. We should be relaxing with the ones we love .... not running around like chickens with our heads cut off away from our families.... burning holes in our pockets.
Be honest with yourself. Do you remember everything you got last year for christmas and everything that you gave to people? Do you still use everything that you got for christmas last year or did you use it a few times and than it wasnt new anymore so it became boring?
Now think... Do you remember who you spent christmas with last year or anything funny that might have happened?
I hope this entry made you think a little bit.
Peace Love and Good will toward men.... and women
Thursday I had my last three finals which were the performance part of Aural Theory, my jury, and my written theory. All of them went very well. I was freaking out about my Jury because I had no time to breath between my Aural and Jury. I made it work though. :)
When I got back to my apartment, I finished writing my paper for my acting class, packed and talked to people on the computer. I never thought I was very good at multi-tasking but apparently I am because I did all of those things and gave each one a lot of attention. After I moved out of my apartment I went to Debs so we could hang out before the Ugly Sweater party. The ugly sweater party was interesting to say the least. It was a bunch of people that I wouldn't put together, hanging out and watching christmas movies. I was happy when I got there because Steve went even though he wasnt feeling well... I dont think he had fun because he left early. :(
When we left the house we went to Debs and just hung out until I fell asleep on her recliner and woke up at 8:30 to drive home.
The drive home was nice because I had some me time and as I approached my town the snow on the side of the road became more apparent. That night I went to Wal*mart with my mom and her friend and I rode around in an electric scooter and acted a fool.
Today I woke up at like 10 and hung out with my brothers for a little bit until I had to go to work. I hate working at the place I work at so much but its money that I dont have and time that I do. It was a long shift to work...2-10.... but I guess it was nice. The people I worked with during the summer remembered me and made me feel "welcome". I got to see the kid I liked during the summer and I still might have a bit of a crush on him. At night it got so cold and I didnt have a sweater so the managers told me that I could wear his which was nice. lol Now i am sitting on my couch with my dog sleeping on my lap and my brother humming Tenacious D songs. I am exausted and I think I might be getting sick. Not bronchitis/pneumonia sick... like fever chills sick. I will take a bath and see how I feel tomorrow.
One little rant before I go...
I am about to make myself sound the a grinch... but I hate christmas time. I love what it stands for... family getting together and enjoying each others company and being happy to be alive.... BUT.... why cant we do this all the time. Why is it that ONE day out of the year do we buy a whole bunch of shit for each other and show how much we love each other? First off... I dont think that we need to buy each other really expensive and or gaudy things to show love or affection. A card or a hug or something small could fill the shoes of the new Wii Fit or a new snowboard. Along those same lines.... If we are going to get each other gifts I think we should use our knowledge of the person to buy gifts. For example... Little susie makes a christmas list of 6 things that she wants for christmas. This list says that she wants a barbie car, a kitchen set, a new bed, a puppy, roller blades and an easy bake oven. Now... why do her parents need a list to know what their daughter likes. I think we should pay more attention to our loved ones so that we can get something thoughtful. Jill got our group of friends a talking Andy doll... from 40-year-old virgin and I think that it pure genius. She knew what we liked because she spends time with us and knows our personalities. Its an inside joke between the 5 of us and she didnt need a list to make us happy.
I told my mom that I was going to be really really pissed off if she got me anything for christmas. She does enough for me throughout the year and I know she doesnt have the money to buy me stuff so that is my christmas present to her. I think she is still oging to buy me something but I really dont want her to.
OHH!!! this is another thing about christmas that bugs me. Christmas is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year but people get really really bitchy and uptight. If prices arent right or if a store doesnt carry something that a person needs, people get soooooo mad. We should be relaxing with the ones we love .... not running around like chickens with our heads cut off away from our families.... burning holes in our pockets.
Be honest with yourself. Do you remember everything you got last year for christmas and everything that you gave to people? Do you still use everything that you got for christmas last year or did you use it a few times and than it wasnt new anymore so it became boring?
Now think... Do you remember who you spent christmas with last year or anything funny that might have happened?
I hope this entry made you think a little bit.
Peace Love and Good will toward men.... and women
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
I feel like more people need to know about this. If you can help in ANY way... please do so. This place has made me who I am today.
I feel like more people need to know about this. If you can help in ANY way... please do so. This place has made me who I am today.
The girl behind the mask
I have 15 minutes to write this blog because I have my acting final but I have to make copies of things so I have to rush bit... this blog might be in two parts.
Yesterday I had tutoring, I worked with Bette than I worked with my scene partner on the scene im going to be performing in like 45 minutes. When I was done working, I went over to the little cafeteria downstairs and ate with Jill and Deb. We had some Nachos and stuff and went to Deb and Jills to watch some movies. While the movies were on, we were having conversations and my vegetarianism always seems to come up. I dont know why. Anyway .... we had a long discussion about that and that conversation turned into something about euthanasia (sp). For the first time in my friendship with them I felt like I was having a real conversation about something that really mattered in the world. (I feel like im being very general but I will come back and fill in the gaps when I have more time.) As we were having this conversation I really realized how messed up the world is. You have a guy who kills someone, gets convicted, and goes to death row. As I see it... I dont think that death row should exist. I dont think and eye for an eye is the way it should be. The person that goes to death row is going to sit in a cell for the rest of their time and than they are going to be killed... they are going to be killed for killing someone else. When does the cycle end? The government says its ok therefore its ok? I dont think so.. A jury says yes this man has committed a crime therefore we are going to send him somewhere to have the same thing done to him that got him in there in the first place. I dont know if that made sense... but it did in my head... and thats all that matters here. I think that the people that kill people or commit horrible crimes should be test dummies for the rest of their lives. Instead of testing medications on animals and things of that nature, put these criminals to work. Most medications are pulled off of the shelves because animals are unreliable test subjects. Animals dont have the same genetic make up as humans do so why would you test a medication that you are going to give to a human on an animal? Some peoples logic is so fuckin stupid.
I will elaborate a little more later... maybe.
I must be off to do my acting final. UGH
One more day of finals :/
I wrote more earlier but my computer freaked out on me and I lost all of my new stuff... I am annoyed by that but you cant change it. It always sucks when stuff like that happens though because you come back to try and write it all over again and it is never quite the same. Oh well...
I dont feel like writing anything ground breaking or exciting right now. The stuff I wrote before was really juicy stuff and I felt like is was going to give people a real idea of how my mind worked and stuff like that but whatever. You will have to hear my thoughts sometime in the future.
Basically... if you have ANY questions about any part of my life... just ask. I would rather people ask me a question than to assume.
Yesterday I had tutoring, I worked with Bette than I worked with my scene partner on the scene im going to be performing in like 45 minutes. When I was done working, I went over to the little cafeteria downstairs and ate with Jill and Deb. We had some Nachos and stuff and went to Deb and Jills to watch some movies. While the movies were on, we were having conversations and my vegetarianism always seems to come up. I dont know why. Anyway .... we had a long discussion about that and that conversation turned into something about euthanasia (sp). For the first time in my friendship with them I felt like I was having a real conversation about something that really mattered in the world. (I feel like im being very general but I will come back and fill in the gaps when I have more time.) As we were having this conversation I really realized how messed up the world is. You have a guy who kills someone, gets convicted, and goes to death row. As I see it... I dont think that death row should exist. I dont think and eye for an eye is the way it should be. The person that goes to death row is going to sit in a cell for the rest of their time and than they are going to be killed... they are going to be killed for killing someone else. When does the cycle end? The government says its ok therefore its ok? I dont think so.. A jury says yes this man has committed a crime therefore we are going to send him somewhere to have the same thing done to him that got him in there in the first place. I dont know if that made sense... but it did in my head... and thats all that matters here. I think that the people that kill people or commit horrible crimes should be test dummies for the rest of their lives. Instead of testing medications on animals and things of that nature, put these criminals to work. Most medications are pulled off of the shelves because animals are unreliable test subjects. Animals dont have the same genetic make up as humans do so why would you test a medication that you are going to give to a human on an animal? Some peoples logic is so fuckin stupid.
I will elaborate a little more later... maybe.
I must be off to do my acting final. UGH
One more day of finals :/
I wrote more earlier but my computer freaked out on me and I lost all of my new stuff... I am annoyed by that but you cant change it. It always sucks when stuff like that happens though because you come back to try and write it all over again and it is never quite the same. Oh well...
I dont feel like writing anything ground breaking or exciting right now. The stuff I wrote before was really juicy stuff and I felt like is was going to give people a real idea of how my mind worked and stuff like that but whatever. You will have to hear my thoughts sometime in the future.
Basically... if you have ANY questions about any part of my life... just ask. I would rather people ask me a question than to assume.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Wake up!!! Its a marching band!
The title of this blog is related to my current state. Tonight I went to sleep at like 10:30 and it was simply incredible. I havent fallen asleep that early in quite a while because im always on the go but I didnt make myself go anywhere tonight. I just laid down to watch scrubs and fell asleep. At 1:30 I was woken up by the obnoxious loud voices of my room mates and her friends. I dont know if you have ever been woken up by someone screaming at the top of their lungs.... or loud music but that is what she sounds like. She is naturally a loud person and when she is sitting right outside my door she sounds like the cybals to a marching band. Maybe one day when I know she drank WAY too much I will steal some cymbals from Wilson and smash them in her ears as she sleeps.
Now its almost 2 and I wont be able to go back to sleep unless it gets quiet again.
Today was Garrisons and Stiebers studio recitals. They went very well from what I saw. Garrisons studio was first and it was short and sweet. Everyone sang very well.... some better than others... but all in all very good. Anthony arranged have yourself a Merry little Christmas for their encore and it was VERY pretty. Stiebers recital went very well. I was second in the program and I sang Juliettes Waltz. I wasnt sure if I was going to be singing it because of my current pneumonia but like always my body was like... we will be nice today. So I sang that and than I sang Das Verlassene Magdlein which I messed up on.. but im over it. Everyone else did really well. Our encore was really funny. We danced the thriller and other various group dances which is always a good time. My mom almost didnt see me because she didnt listen to me and didnt leave herself enough time to get through traffic. She ended up walking in right as Stieber was talking at the beginning. Her friend came with her and at the end, instead of getting flowers, she gave me a huge tray of special K bars. It was really funny. I guess im a weird girl because I think that flowers, as pretty as they are, are a waste. I would rather someone give me money or a tray or special K bars...something I am going to use... instead of giving me something that is going to be pretty for about 5 hours and than slowly die. Its all about the thought but I hate it when people waste money.
Ummmmmmmmm....... Yesterday... I went to the mall and tried on some dresses. Some of them were sooooo cute and there is one that sticks out in my mind from Macys I think... and it looked really good on me but I didnt have money so I didnt get it. I only went because Sara wanted to go for a dress for juries. After dress shopping, we went to Debs, made dollar store cookies, and watched south park christmas episodes and than Dark knight. We didnt watch all of dark knight because I felt like shit and wanted to leave. I feel bad for asking them to drive me home but I didnt have my car. Im sure theyre over it.
Well... thats my update
If you are reading this....... all you thousands of people out there!!!..... feel free to comment. There is a guest sign in ... I think.... and you can just say whatever... let me know your reading.
Oh and sorry for my bad grammer. I dont even know if I spelled grammer right..... Im tired..
Now its almost 2 and I wont be able to go back to sleep unless it gets quiet again.
Today was Garrisons and Stiebers studio recitals. They went very well from what I saw. Garrisons studio was first and it was short and sweet. Everyone sang very well.... some better than others... but all in all very good. Anthony arranged have yourself a Merry little Christmas for their encore and it was VERY pretty. Stiebers recital went very well. I was second in the program and I sang Juliettes Waltz. I wasnt sure if I was going to be singing it because of my current pneumonia but like always my body was like... we will be nice today. So I sang that and than I sang Das Verlassene Magdlein which I messed up on.. but im over it. Everyone else did really well. Our encore was really funny. We danced the thriller and other various group dances which is always a good time. My mom almost didnt see me because she didnt listen to me and didnt leave herself enough time to get through traffic. She ended up walking in right as Stieber was talking at the beginning. Her friend came with her and at the end, instead of getting flowers, she gave me a huge tray of special K bars. It was really funny. I guess im a weird girl because I think that flowers, as pretty as they are, are a waste. I would rather someone give me money or a tray or special K bars...something I am going to use... instead of giving me something that is going to be pretty for about 5 hours and than slowly die. Its all about the thought but I hate it when people waste money.
Ummmmmmmmm....... Yesterday... I went to the mall and tried on some dresses. Some of them were sooooo cute and there is one that sticks out in my mind from Macys I think... and it looked really good on me but I didnt have money so I didnt get it. I only went because Sara wanted to go for a dress for juries. After dress shopping, we went to Debs, made dollar store cookies, and watched south park christmas episodes and than Dark knight. We didnt watch all of dark knight because I felt like shit and wanted to leave. I feel bad for asking them to drive me home but I didnt have my car. Im sure theyre over it.
Well... thats my update
If you are reading this....... all you thousands of people out there!!!..... feel free to comment. There is a guest sign in ... I think.... and you can just say whatever... let me know your reading.
Oh and sorry for my bad grammer. I dont even know if I spelled grammer right..... Im tired..
Friday, December 12, 2008
So I got cut off yesterday, but there wasnt much else to write.
I am sitting in the computer lab with all of these intrumentalists and I am trying to focus on this play dialouge that needs to be memorized. Its not working out too well.
This semester I have had such a problem with focus. I dont know what it is. I guess as people mature they change and their interests and priorities change. This scares me a little bit.
Lets walk a little deeper in whats been going on in my head lately.
I believe that I am finally over what has been nagging me for the past year or so. I am not going to go deeper into that because I know what I mean and I wanted to document that for the future.
I am scared shitless. That is the general emotion that I have had for a while. I love singing and I love music. For so long it has been my life and what makes me completely happy. Lately, I have been having second thoughs about choosing music as my major. What if I am not good enough to make it in the opera or music world. I dont know how I compare to the other girls in conservatories who are my age or younger. What the hell am I doing at Rowan? Like sometimes I really just want to leave.... but other times I feel like this is where I should be. I know I shouldn't base my desicions on other people but I do. Rowan is paying for MY TUITION to be a student and get the training that I need. I love my friends and the people that I am surrounded by even though I get frustrated with them quickly. I never let that show.... I dont think. I figure that is going to happen anywhere. Is Rowan worth the money? or would I get better training somewhere else where I could get a job easier? Yes Rowan has the Opera scenes and everything but c'mon.... if you go to a conservatory you get ridiculous training and ....ugh I dont know. PLUSSSSSS!!!! your voice is so sensitive to everything around you. If you scream to loudly, eat the wrong food, drink the wrong beverage... anything... you could be compromising your career. In a split second, everything you worked so hard for could be gone. I compare that to surgeons though... if they are sawing something out in the barn... No i dont know why a surgeon would be working on a farm.. BUT... if they make one mistake their hands are compromised and they cant work on people anymore. I want more time to be able to think about these things. I wish there wasnt such a rush to decide the rest of your life. I am only 19 years old. I want to have fun and just be young and make mistakes. I live in a world that isnt made for me. I wish I could just live in the jungle with some random tribe. The aboriginals would be awesome... but they eat bugs and shit. But yeah the aboriginals would be awesome... they just chill in the outback and live with nature. America creates such uptight twatsickles and I dont want to deal with some of this shit anymore.
That went a little off topic but whatever.
So yeah.... I guess thats one or two things floating around in my head.
I cant think of anymore names for myself...
The gullible one
I am sitting in the computer lab with all of these intrumentalists and I am trying to focus on this play dialouge that needs to be memorized. Its not working out too well.
This semester I have had such a problem with focus. I dont know what it is. I guess as people mature they change and their interests and priorities change. This scares me a little bit.
Lets walk a little deeper in whats been going on in my head lately.
I believe that I am finally over what has been nagging me for the past year or so. I am not going to go deeper into that because I know what I mean and I wanted to document that for the future.
I am scared shitless. That is the general emotion that I have had for a while. I love singing and I love music. For so long it has been my life and what makes me completely happy. Lately, I have been having second thoughs about choosing music as my major. What if I am not good enough to make it in the opera or music world. I dont know how I compare to the other girls in conservatories who are my age or younger. What the hell am I doing at Rowan? Like sometimes I really just want to leave.... but other times I feel like this is where I should be. I know I shouldn't base my desicions on other people but I do. Rowan is paying for MY TUITION to be a student and get the training that I need. I love my friends and the people that I am surrounded by even though I get frustrated with them quickly. I never let that show.... I dont think. I figure that is going to happen anywhere. Is Rowan worth the money? or would I get better training somewhere else where I could get a job easier? Yes Rowan has the Opera scenes and everything but c'mon.... if you go to a conservatory you get ridiculous training and ....ugh I dont know. PLUSSSSSS!!!! your voice is so sensitive to everything around you. If you scream to loudly, eat the wrong food, drink the wrong beverage... anything... you could be compromising your career. In a split second, everything you worked so hard for could be gone. I compare that to surgeons though... if they are sawing something out in the barn... No i dont know why a surgeon would be working on a farm.. BUT... if they make one mistake their hands are compromised and they cant work on people anymore. I want more time to be able to think about these things. I wish there wasnt such a rush to decide the rest of your life. I am only 19 years old. I want to have fun and just be young and make mistakes. I live in a world that isnt made for me. I wish I could just live in the jungle with some random tribe. The aboriginals would be awesome... but they eat bugs and shit. But yeah the aboriginals would be awesome... they just chill in the outback and live with nature. America creates such uptight twatsickles and I dont want to deal with some of this shit anymore.
That went a little off topic but whatever.
So yeah.... I guess thats one or two things floating around in my head.
I cant think of anymore names for myself...
The gullible one
Thursday, December 11, 2008
The weather is dreary and it is taking my mood with it.
Hello blog world. I haven't been around for 2 months or so and I figured it was time to update. I remembered that this existed when my friend Steve told me about his Live Journal. Blogger is so much cooler.
I had class today and I had rehearsal which technically is a class but I dont consider it the same thing. Last night was ridiculous and I dont remember much from it.... I just remember focusing a lot. I am not supposed to take cough medicine but I did and I learned my lesson. As scary as everything was though, I kind of want to take more. THe feeling was so freeing and my worries just went out the window. I have to finish this later becasue I am getting picked up by Deb and I have rehearsal tonight. After rehearsal we are going to the Russians place for a party for the Canadian. haha I love them ... theyre funny people.
Ta ta for now.
Hello blog world. I haven't been around for 2 months or so and I figured it was time to update. I remembered that this existed when my friend Steve told me about his Live Journal. Blogger is so much cooler.
I had class today and I had rehearsal which technically is a class but I dont consider it the same thing. Last night was ridiculous and I dont remember much from it.... I just remember focusing a lot. I am not supposed to take cough medicine but I did and I learned my lesson. As scary as everything was though, I kind of want to take more. THe feeling was so freeing and my worries just went out the window. I have to finish this later becasue I am getting picked up by Deb and I have rehearsal tonight. After rehearsal we are going to the Russians place for a party for the Canadian. haha I love them ... theyre funny people.
Ta ta for now.
Friday, October 10, 2008
My bad...
Im really bad at updating this thing but I have some time on my hands and I am in the mood to mentally vomit if you will.
Lately ive just been doing my normal everyday things such as class, hanging out with peeps, thinking about pointless topics, making an ass of myself, getting offended, going to the gym, and sleeping.
Tomorrow im supposed to go to Creamy Acres with a few people but I dont know if I will be able to make it back on time because Sara is supposed to drive me and her brother wants to get back to school late. That statement pretty much sums up a good portion of my life. I have always let other people decide my fate or have always allowed other people to decide my fate for me. Its coming back to get me but whatever. Its nice to have time home to reflect on things or to reconnect with your family.
I do like coming home because I find out more about my family than I would just talking on the phone.. thats all I am going to say about that right now.
Its weird because since sophmore year of college started, I see things in more than just black and white. I am seeing so many grey areas and I like it because it changes things up and puts me out of my comfort zone.
Thats all for now folks.
Lately ive just been doing my normal everyday things such as class, hanging out with peeps, thinking about pointless topics, making an ass of myself, getting offended, going to the gym, and sleeping.
Tomorrow im supposed to go to Creamy Acres with a few people but I dont know if I will be able to make it back on time because Sara is supposed to drive me and her brother wants to get back to school late. That statement pretty much sums up a good portion of my life. I have always let other people decide my fate or have always allowed other people to decide my fate for me. Its coming back to get me but whatever. Its nice to have time home to reflect on things or to reconnect with your family.
I do like coming home because I find out more about my family than I would just talking on the phone.. thats all I am going to say about that right now.
Its weird because since sophmore year of college started, I see things in more than just black and white. I am seeing so many grey areas and I like it because it changes things up and puts me out of my comfort zone.
Thats all for now folks.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
HEY....No I didnt die off or fall into a quarry. I just dont think anything is worth blogging about.
This blog is going to be pretty boring but I felt like I needed to write it because I have been negelectful. SOOO. Lately i've just been doing what I do all the time which is rehearse, hang out, smile, relax, and freak out. The relaxing and freaking out kind of go hand in hand because I relax too much and so I procrastinate. When I procrastinate I freak out because I dont have time to do things. UGH. Whatever.
The pasta party on Friday was good. The pasta was delicious and the cheese cake was good even if it was Kae Lanis first time making it.
I love college. Every day I become happier with myself and more comfortbale with myself and I couldnt have asked for anything more. It was about time for a change.. haha
Wilson Hall is making me sick. They are tarring the roof or something like that and the fumes are making so many people sick. One girl that I know isnt supposed to go to class because she cant breath. She has gone to the hospital a few times and they put her on Steroids but thats just insanity. You cant go to class because you cant breath. whatever...
That is all I can think of to inform you beautiful people of at the moment.
Bon Voyage
This blog is going to be pretty boring but I felt like I needed to write it because I have been negelectful. SOOO. Lately i've just been doing what I do all the time which is rehearse, hang out, smile, relax, and freak out. The relaxing and freaking out kind of go hand in hand because I relax too much and so I procrastinate. When I procrastinate I freak out because I dont have time to do things. UGH. Whatever.
The pasta party on Friday was good. The pasta was delicious and the cheese cake was good even if it was Kae Lanis first time making it.
I love college. Every day I become happier with myself and more comfortbale with myself and I couldnt have asked for anything more. It was about time for a change.. haha
Wilson Hall is making me sick. They are tarring the roof or something like that and the fumes are making so many people sick. One girl that I know isnt supposed to go to class because she cant breath. She has gone to the hospital a few times and they put her on Steroids but thats just insanity. You cant go to class because you cant breath. whatever...
That is all I can think of to inform you beautiful people of at the moment.
Bon Voyage
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Phun in Philly
Ok.... this story is pretty funny.
So yesterday I went shopping with my friend Deb because I wanted more shirts so that I didnt have to wash my clothes every week. I ended up buying one dress shirt and we went back to campus to eat and watch the laser show. The laser show started later than we thought it did so we went over to a recital that was going on in Wilson until the laser show started. The laser show was really trippy and I would def. see it again. Sorry im trying to rush through the beginning of my day so that I can get to the eventful things. So I got back to my apartment and Deb called me because her gay friend Andy (that is important info kinda) was visiting and wanted to go to a gay club in philly. So I went over there and we started driving and we almost turned onto a set of train tracks because the roads in glassboro are really confusing.
Ok so we get into Philly and Andy was going to park in a parking garage but Deb said that he could find better parking on the street so off we went to find a better paring spot. We ended up finding a spot in front of a hair salon in the "gaybourhood" and we walked a few blocks to the club. The club was fun because I got to dance like a white girl and see some very interesting sights. When we left we walked back those few blocks and we had people offer us drugs and some random guy tried to make out with Andy. So we get back to the hair salon and the car was gone. Andy was freaking out because what else was he supposed to do. We found a cop who helped us a little bit with finiding the car at the towing place and he almost gave a ride there but than he remembered that he had to be a total douche bag and kept up his image. So we were talking and trying to see how much money we all had and I was the only person with a debit card so I had to fron the cab fare, the towing costs, and I paid for andys ticket because he didnt want his parents to find out about it. If they dont give me the money there are going to be problems.
The whole time I really didnt care though because I thought it was so funny. Im really happy that I am able to see the fun or humor in bad situations because I would be a horrible wreck. One of the girls didnt think that she was going to have to pay anything and Deb flipped a shit on her which was kind of sad because she didnt say anything back.
Cab fare- $20
Getting your car out of impound- $125
Parking ticket- $41
Memories created in the process- Priceless
I have a few pictures of the event but i dont feel like loading them right now.
"Dont worry... or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum."
The Veg Head
So yesterday I went shopping with my friend Deb because I wanted more shirts so that I didnt have to wash my clothes every week. I ended up buying one dress shirt and we went back to campus to eat and watch the laser show. The laser show started later than we thought it did so we went over to a recital that was going on in Wilson until the laser show started. The laser show was really trippy and I would def. see it again. Sorry im trying to rush through the beginning of my day so that I can get to the eventful things. So I got back to my apartment and Deb called me because her gay friend Andy (that is important info kinda) was visiting and wanted to go to a gay club in philly. So I went over there and we started driving and we almost turned onto a set of train tracks because the roads in glassboro are really confusing.
Ok so we get into Philly and Andy was going to park in a parking garage but Deb said that he could find better parking on the street so off we went to find a better paring spot. We ended up finding a spot in front of a hair salon in the "gaybourhood" and we walked a few blocks to the club. The club was fun because I got to dance like a white girl and see some very interesting sights. When we left we walked back those few blocks and we had people offer us drugs and some random guy tried to make out with Andy. So we get back to the hair salon and the car was gone. Andy was freaking out because what else was he supposed to do. We found a cop who helped us a little bit with finiding the car at the towing place and he almost gave a ride there but than he remembered that he had to be a total douche bag and kept up his image. So we were talking and trying to see how much money we all had and I was the only person with a debit card so I had to fron the cab fare, the towing costs, and I paid for andys ticket because he didnt want his parents to find out about it. If they dont give me the money there are going to be problems.
The whole time I really didnt care though because I thought it was so funny. Im really happy that I am able to see the fun or humor in bad situations because I would be a horrible wreck. One of the girls didnt think that she was going to have to pay anything and Deb flipped a shit on her which was kind of sad because she didnt say anything back.
Cab fare- $20
Getting your car out of impound- $125
Parking ticket- $41
Memories created in the process- Priceless
I have a few pictures of the event but i dont feel like loading them right now.
"Dont worry... or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum."
The Veg Head
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Wheel Barrel Madness
I dont know how to start this blog today so im just going to jump in.
Im going to start with Thursday. Ok ... so thursday I had an audition for the opera scenes and I wanted to do really well because I want to get a good part in the opera scenes this year. So I got all dressed up and I went into my audition and when I got in there my voice teacher told the other judge that I didnt have a voice on wednesday which was the day before. When she said that, I was a little bit afraid to do well because I didnt want her to think that I was lying to her. When I started singing I didnt care and I forced the sound out and I dont think I did half bad. So from there I went food shopping with Debbie than we went to go eat and fun stuff like that. From there I went to the computer lab and Justin met me there and we went to go check out RAH. He rode a bull which was pretty funny and we left because there wasnt much else to do and I was waiting for Sara to call me. When Sara called me we went over to Debs and did our thing.
Friday- When I woke up I wasnt feeling to hot so I slept through both of my classes and woke up around 11:30 to a fire alarm. When I got back in from the alarm I got a call from Kae Lani and she wanted to do something so I said yea and we invited Justin over and long story short we made CANDIES! It took forever and a lot of chocolate to get it semi-alright but no one will know the difference. Thanks Justin for the Extra fridge room! :) So that night... I went over to Saras and I was a little bit afraid that her it was going to be like 4 people just awkwardly looking at each other all night but that was only half of the night. haha Eventually people wandered in from the rain and we had a pretty good time. I had some very interesting thoughts that night about myself, substances and Harriet Tubman and if you are wondering about that than just ask. So when Sara left her apartment with a bunch of people still sitting around, Justin, his friend Keith, Antoine and myself all left and went back to Justins and just messed around. Sock puppets are hilarious.
Saturday- I tried my hardest to do nothing all day but when my friend Deb called me to do something I got the idea to get up. Shortly after that Justin asked me if I was going to the Bouncing souls and that gave me the motivation to get off my ass and do something. We didnt stay there very long and when I got back to edgewood I went for a walk. The walk was much needed because I needed some time to reflect and just relax. The sounds of the crickets and everything like that was very peaceful and put me in a very calm and strange mood. When I got back to my apartment from my walk, Sara called me to play a game and so I asked Justin to come with me and we went over and played for a little while. It was nice.
Now I am just sitting here writing this blog and thinking. I literally just had two firedrills in a row which was a bit of a pain but it could always be worse.
"Because I knew you, I have been changed for good."
Im going to start with Thursday. Ok ... so thursday I had an audition for the opera scenes and I wanted to do really well because I want to get a good part in the opera scenes this year. So I got all dressed up and I went into my audition and when I got in there my voice teacher told the other judge that I didnt have a voice on wednesday which was the day before. When she said that, I was a little bit afraid to do well because I didnt want her to think that I was lying to her. When I started singing I didnt care and I forced the sound out and I dont think I did half bad. So from there I went food shopping with Debbie than we went to go eat and fun stuff like that. From there I went to the computer lab and Justin met me there and we went to go check out RAH. He rode a bull which was pretty funny and we left because there wasnt much else to do and I was waiting for Sara to call me. When Sara called me we went over to Debs and did our thing.
Friday- When I woke up I wasnt feeling to hot so I slept through both of my classes and woke up around 11:30 to a fire alarm. When I got back in from the alarm I got a call from Kae Lani and she wanted to do something so I said yea and we invited Justin over and long story short we made CANDIES! It took forever and a lot of chocolate to get it semi-alright but no one will know the difference. Thanks Justin for the Extra fridge room! :) So that night... I went over to Saras and I was a little bit afraid that her it was going to be like 4 people just awkwardly looking at each other all night but that was only half of the night. haha Eventually people wandered in from the rain and we had a pretty good time. I had some very interesting thoughts that night about myself, substances and Harriet Tubman and if you are wondering about that than just ask. So when Sara left her apartment with a bunch of people still sitting around, Justin, his friend Keith, Antoine and myself all left and went back to Justins and just messed around. Sock puppets are hilarious.
Saturday- I tried my hardest to do nothing all day but when my friend Deb called me to do something I got the idea to get up. Shortly after that Justin asked me if I was going to the Bouncing souls and that gave me the motivation to get off my ass and do something. We didnt stay there very long and when I got back to edgewood I went for a walk. The walk was much needed because I needed some time to reflect and just relax. The sounds of the crickets and everything like that was very peaceful and put me in a very calm and strange mood. When I got back to my apartment from my walk, Sara called me to play a game and so I asked Justin to come with me and we went over and played for a little while. It was nice.
Now I am just sitting here writing this blog and thinking. I literally just had two firedrills in a row which was a bit of a pain but it could always be worse.
"Because I knew you, I have been changed for good."
Thursday, September 11, 2008
All Smiles
Life is looking up lately and I feel like the pieces are starting to fall into place. This blog isnt much this time around because sometimes I jsut like to get things down on paper... or documented if you will. When things start to come together, something always seems to rattle things up. Im starting to accept that fact and it sort of makes things more interesting. This boy that I have known for about 9 years or so told me at the beginning of the summer that he loved me which really freaked me out and I was kind of taken aback by it but things started to calm down and I sort of forgot about it. About a half hour ago he told me that it would make him happy to be in a relationship but an open relationship would probably be best. I dont want to ruin our friendship but I just dont see him in that way. Im sorry if you are reading this but thats just how life is sometimes.
Thank you to everyone in my life right now. You have made me into a person that I can respect and love. I know that sounds a bit cheesy but I loves me some mozzarella.
Stephanie Rhiannon
Thank you to everyone in my life right now. You have made me into a person that I can respect and love. I know that sounds a bit cheesy but I loves me some mozzarella.
Stephanie Rhiannon
Sunday, September 7, 2008
So lately...... I've been trying to keep myself busy. Lets back track shall we?
Thursday night I went to my friends Deb and Jills apartment for Beer fest. I had a sip of Natural Ice but it tasted like ass so I didnt drink a whole one and than I had two sips of some kind of Malibu something and I was happy. For anyone who has never had malibu.. It smells like sun tan lotion. Ok.. So nothing really happened that night other than that.. I went back to my apartment and of course everyone was sleeping so I had to be all quiet but it was alright.
Friday! I had a 9 o' clock class and than I waited around for Kae Lani to finish up with her ish so that we could go and do what we needed to do. Around 12 we met up and went off to her house so she could get her stuff together and than we headed off to the mall. At the mall she bought some awesome clothes and I dont really think I bought anything. From the mall we went to my apartment and I helped her straighten her hair. That took quite a while but it was sooooo worth it because it looked awesome. We started to get hungry so we went to PB's and got some eats and than headed over to Justins apartment. We hung around and did other things until we went over to saras apartment. At saras apartment people playes Beer pong and I had a screwdriver and it was fabu. Around 10 Steve arrived and Kae Lani, Justin, and Antoine decided to go off to Main street but I didnt go because I felt bad that Steve would have been alone. The night carried on and eventually Kae Lani, Justin, and Toinifer came back and we had a good night.... At least I think we did haha.
Saturday... Hmmmm. Oh! Saturday I woke up and I didnt have a head ache or anything which was pretty sweet considering the circumstances and I ended up going to the mall with Justin. He got some wire for his Speakers and some CD's and again... I dont think I got anything. When we came back we went to the Student Center to eat and than we departed. When I got back to my apartment, Jaime was watching Clerks 2 and so I joined her and it was just awesome. I love that movie because most of the places in the movie are anywhere from 5-20 minutes from my house. After that... Tiyana came over and we chatted for a while to catch up on each others lives and than I went over to my friend Debs again and we watched chick flicks until everyone fell asleep and I snuck out.
Sunday... (today) I woke up and watched RENT and I had forgotten how sad of a movie it was so I cried a little bit and than I decided to do my laundry. When I was going back to get food and do some homework I was joined by Justin and we ate together. After that we went to Shoprite where I saw Tiyana and than left. I dropped my shtuff off at my apartment and went to Justins to pick up an ether net chord which isnt working at the moment and we watched the Banger Sisters. Now im sitting in the computer lab about ready to go to Tiyanas to decorate her room.
Some random thoughts and other junk.
So last year as many of you know I was kind of quiet and reserved because I was flat out afraid of what people thought of me. This year I feel like I have done a 180 where I am always talking and I feel like sometimes I am pushing myself a little bit to not be the way I was last year. I dont know if you all notice is but I feel it and I feel really annoying. If im not than thats awesome but I just need to find a happy medium and I will achieve that in time.
It seems like the entire world... or at least a good amount of people that I know on facebook are now in relationships... as of today or within the past 4 days. I dont know what the hell that is but I need to take some tips or something from those people.
Oh and about talking about people lately... I do apologize because I have been talking about it too much ... Im even annoying myself and sometimes I just use it as a conversation filler. I need to calm down with all of that.
I will leave you with some lyrics that explain how things have been in the past few months.
Thank you Brandi Carlile.
I don't hang around that place no more I'm tired of wearing circles in the floor And I don't carry myself very well I've gotten so much braver Can you tell I'm happy Can't you see I'm alright But I miss you Amber Lee
See you all for now...
The apple of your eye
Thursday night I went to my friends Deb and Jills apartment for Beer fest. I had a sip of Natural Ice but it tasted like ass so I didnt drink a whole one and than I had two sips of some kind of Malibu something and I was happy. For anyone who has never had malibu.. It smells like sun tan lotion. Ok.. So nothing really happened that night other than that.. I went back to my apartment and of course everyone was sleeping so I had to be all quiet but it was alright.
Friday! I had a 9 o' clock class and than I waited around for Kae Lani to finish up with her ish so that we could go and do what we needed to do. Around 12 we met up and went off to her house so she could get her stuff together and than we headed off to the mall. At the mall she bought some awesome clothes and I dont really think I bought anything. From the mall we went to my apartment and I helped her straighten her hair. That took quite a while but it was sooooo worth it because it looked awesome. We started to get hungry so we went to PB's and got some eats and than headed over to Justins apartment. We hung around and did other things until we went over to saras apartment. At saras apartment people playes Beer pong and I had a screwdriver and it was fabu. Around 10 Steve arrived and Kae Lani, Justin, and Antoine decided to go off to Main street but I didnt go because I felt bad that Steve would have been alone. The night carried on and eventually Kae Lani, Justin, and Toinifer came back and we had a good night.... At least I think we did haha.
Saturday... Hmmmm. Oh! Saturday I woke up and I didnt have a head ache or anything which was pretty sweet considering the circumstances and I ended up going to the mall with Justin. He got some wire for his Speakers and some CD's and again... I dont think I got anything. When we came back we went to the Student Center to eat and than we departed. When I got back to my apartment, Jaime was watching Clerks 2 and so I joined her and it was just awesome. I love that movie because most of the places in the movie are anywhere from 5-20 minutes from my house. After that... Tiyana came over and we chatted for a while to catch up on each others lives and than I went over to my friend Debs again and we watched chick flicks until everyone fell asleep and I snuck out.
Sunday... (today) I woke up and watched RENT and I had forgotten how sad of a movie it was so I cried a little bit and than I decided to do my laundry. When I was going back to get food and do some homework I was joined by Justin and we ate together. After that we went to Shoprite where I saw Tiyana and than left. I dropped my shtuff off at my apartment and went to Justins to pick up an ether net chord which isnt working at the moment and we watched the Banger Sisters. Now im sitting in the computer lab about ready to go to Tiyanas to decorate her room.
Some random thoughts and other junk.
So last year as many of you know I was kind of quiet and reserved because I was flat out afraid of what people thought of me. This year I feel like I have done a 180 where I am always talking and I feel like sometimes I am pushing myself a little bit to not be the way I was last year. I dont know if you all notice is but I feel it and I feel really annoying. If im not than thats awesome but I just need to find a happy medium and I will achieve that in time.
It seems like the entire world... or at least a good amount of people that I know on facebook are now in relationships... as of today or within the past 4 days. I dont know what the hell that is but I need to take some tips or something from those people.
Oh and about talking about people lately... I do apologize because I have been talking about it too much ... Im even annoying myself and sometimes I just use it as a conversation filler. I need to calm down with all of that.
I will leave you with some lyrics that explain how things have been in the past few months.
Thank you Brandi Carlile.
I don't hang around that place no more I'm tired of wearing circles in the floor And I don't carry myself very well I've gotten so much braver Can you tell I'm happy Can't you see I'm alright But I miss you Amber Lee
See you all for now...
The apple of your eye
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Back to school....
Ok so as you may know already... I am back to school.
Sunday was kind of hectic because everyone was moving in but I feel like I got a lot accomplished. I left my house around 11 but didnt get to school until a while later because there was a lot of traffic and it takes an hour and a half as it is. When I got there is was kind of awkward because Im not used to being at school and there was just an auora (sp). So after I moved in and got all of my groceries I helped heather make dinner and listened to her and her friends talk about things that kind of bothered me. I kind of felt like a 13th wheel in the whole deal. I mean .... I know her friends but Im not really friends with any of them. So after dinner, I went to my friend Debbies apartment and we had malibu bay breezes or somethnig and it was very good to see them again. When I left their apartment, I went over to Justins and we play guitar for a few seconds and we trudged over to the rec center where we took a weird picture thing. After that we went to wal*mart and justin Kae Lani and Antoine played jokes on the people walking around. I didnt do anything because I cant keep a straight face. Im not allowed to use his camera anymore either.
I dont feel like tying up the other days because im lazy and everything seems to have morphed into one LONG day.
Today I started classes and it just feels really weird to be back. When im in choir I feel kind of out of place and actually all together I feel sort of out of place. I dont know whats going on but I hope that everything fixes itself soon.
I hate that when I talk there are awkward pauses or that I can never say what im really thinking. Everything with me is anti-climactic and its so annoying. I always know what im trying to say but it never comes out quite right. I know I complain a lot and im sorry.. Im trying to fix it.. Im also sorry that im always ranting about people and I feel like im making things worse instead of better. I wish I always had something interesting to say.
Sunday was kind of hectic because everyone was moving in but I feel like I got a lot accomplished. I left my house around 11 but didnt get to school until a while later because there was a lot of traffic and it takes an hour and a half as it is. When I got there is was kind of awkward because Im not used to being at school and there was just an auora (sp). So after I moved in and got all of my groceries I helped heather make dinner and listened to her and her friends talk about things that kind of bothered me. I kind of felt like a 13th wheel in the whole deal. I mean .... I know her friends but Im not really friends with any of them. So after dinner, I went to my friend Debbies apartment and we had malibu bay breezes or somethnig and it was very good to see them again. When I left their apartment, I went over to Justins and we play guitar for a few seconds and we trudged over to the rec center where we took a weird picture thing. After that we went to wal*mart and justin Kae Lani and Antoine played jokes on the people walking around. I didnt do anything because I cant keep a straight face. Im not allowed to use his camera anymore either.
I dont feel like tying up the other days because im lazy and everything seems to have morphed into one LONG day.
Today I started classes and it just feels really weird to be back. When im in choir I feel kind of out of place and actually all together I feel sort of out of place. I dont know whats going on but I hope that everything fixes itself soon.
I hate that when I talk there are awkward pauses or that I can never say what im really thinking. Everything with me is anti-climactic and its so annoying. I always know what im trying to say but it never comes out quite right. I know I complain a lot and im sorry.. Im trying to fix it.. Im also sorry that im always ranting about people and I feel like im making things worse instead of better. I wish I always had something interesting to say.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
These are some of the pictures I have taken so far. I can only take 5 or 6 pictures at a time because my memory card didnt come yet but I will deal for now. I took the pictures of my brother the moment he walked in the door from work... Hes not that dirty lol.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Lets analyze the situation
So I recently, I was watching this show about a murder investigation and on either WE or the History channel and the investigators had very little evidence on the case. The bulk of the evidence that they had were letter written by the murderer and so the investigators brought in a hand writing analyst to see what kind of personality this person had. In the end they found the murderer and brought him "downtown" or whatever and things went back to normal. The reason I am writing this blog is to tell you guys about this FREAKIN AWESOME website that I found that analyzes your handwriting. First you have to write this paragraph and than they ask you a bunch of questions about how the letters are shaped and stuff like that. When I took mine, it came out so accurate and it also said some things that made me think. Check it out because if you are curious about what your hand writing says about you or maybe your just bored... it fixes both of those things. Enjoy!
The Kriz
P.S. Let me know how it works for you guys
The Kriz
P.S. Let me know how it works for you guys
Thursday, August 21, 2008
And the beat goes on...
Ok so here we are again.
As most of you you know, I hung out with Kae Lani and Justin on Tuesday and I had such an awesome time. First Justin got all sorts of lost but when he found the place we were supposed to meet we went off to meet Kae Lani at the park. While we were driving Justin forgot to turn his blinker off and drove with his blinker on for 12 or 13 miles. That bit of information isnt important...I just thought it was funny. So we walked around a park for a while until we ended up in the parking lot where we talked about our plans for spring break. We are so smart :)
After chatting it up in the park we went over to a diner where we listened to some awesome jams on a jukebox thing at our table. We didnt want to leave from there so we went over to Seaside and had a good time playin on the beach and going on some rides. There are pictures of our adventures on Facebook and I think Justin is making a video where most of the footage is me on the ground or dancing lol.
On our way back from Seaside we rocked out to some rent and various other songs that Justin had illegally put onto blank cd's and I texted my future apartment mate about our living situation. I think shes mad at me but I have no idea why. We are no longer friends on facebook and I didnt defriend her. Whatever. As long as my belongings dont get messed with I will be as happy as a clam.
Do clams have emotions?????!?!
Forever yours,
As most of you you know, I hung out with Kae Lani and Justin on Tuesday and I had such an awesome time. First Justin got all sorts of lost but when he found the place we were supposed to meet we went off to meet Kae Lani at the park. While we were driving Justin forgot to turn his blinker off and drove with his blinker on for 12 or 13 miles. That bit of information isnt important...I just thought it was funny. So we walked around a park for a while until we ended up in the parking lot where we talked about our plans for spring break. We are so smart :)
After chatting it up in the park we went over to a diner where we listened to some awesome jams on a jukebox thing at our table. We didnt want to leave from there so we went over to Seaside and had a good time playin on the beach and going on some rides. There are pictures of our adventures on Facebook and I think Justin is making a video where most of the footage is me on the ground or dancing lol.
On our way back from Seaside we rocked out to some rent and various other songs that Justin had illegally put onto blank cd's and I texted my future apartment mate about our living situation. I think shes mad at me but I have no idea why. We are no longer friends on facebook and I didnt defriend her. Whatever. As long as my belongings dont get messed with I will be as happy as a clam.
Do clams have emotions?????!?!
Forever yours,
Friday, August 15, 2008
Holy fuck nuts!
This week my paycheck was supposed to be like $250 or something but because I work for the god damn union I have to pay dues and they took like 50 dollars. Im pissed.
This week im working 40 hours but ill only get paid for about 33 of them. How retarded is that. Ugh whatever.
Last night I made a mistake and went to saras house for a house party. I didnt even drink that much but as most of you know... I am a super light weight. So I had a little bit and than i decided I should leave because I wanted to try to wake up to go to six flags with Justin. When I woke up at like 8 this morning I felt horrible and that feeling got worse when I had to tell Justin that I was going to be going. I also dont have a lot of money to drive pay for parking and get into the park so... at least it wasnt just my stupidity that kept me from going.
I dont know what else to write. I feel like writing something really deep but im shallow so im screwed.
Hope to see everyone soon!
This week im working 40 hours but ill only get paid for about 33 of them. How retarded is that. Ugh whatever.
Last night I made a mistake and went to saras house for a house party. I didnt even drink that much but as most of you know... I am a super light weight. So I had a little bit and than i decided I should leave because I wanted to try to wake up to go to six flags with Justin. When I woke up at like 8 this morning I felt horrible and that feeling got worse when I had to tell Justin that I was going to be going. I also dont have a lot of money to drive pay for parking and get into the park so... at least it wasnt just my stupidity that kept me from going.
I dont know what else to write. I feel like writing something really deep but im shallow so im screwed.
Hope to see everyone soon!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Ok so heres the deal.... I'm back from vacation!! YESSSSSSS!
I was going to make a video of all of the clips that I gathered in my journeys through Maryland but my computer is confusing an I have no idea how to make a video. After that... I decided I would record myself talking about my trip and whatever happened while I was there... but I look like a total bitch/tool when I talk. Why hasnt anyone told me that before? So I figure I will just post some pictures on here and let all of you see some of the things that happened during the trip. If I figure out how to make the video ill make it.
My mom like 5 seconds after getting into the room. She seems happy.
You would think they would notice a sign that is upside-down. ------Sand Sculptures! ---------Sexyness...MmmM! You know we are hott.
I really like the picture of the Ferris Wheel.
Danny as a large sand man. Danny sculpting Heather. The finished product. VERY funny.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Vacation all I ever wanted
I am going on vacation to Maryland today (sunday) and I will be back on Wednesday. I am very excited to get away from my job for a few days so I can relax and get a tan so that im not so pale.
I am going to be using my grandparents digital camera to document the trip and when I get back ill upload everything for the world to see.
I dont really have anything else to say.. haha
Peace and sun screen
I am going on vacation to Maryland today (sunday) and I will be back on Wednesday. I am very excited to get away from my job for a few days so I can relax and get a tan so that im not so pale.
I am going to be using my grandparents digital camera to document the trip and when I get back ill upload everything for the world to see.
I dont really have anything else to say.. haha
Peace and sun screen
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Im an Idiot
Ok so today I was such an idiot. I was laying in my bed and I decided that I was going to go on my bike ride before I went to work because I like going on the trail near my house. So I get all dressed, get my bike out of the shed and go riding down the trail. I rode all the way to what I know as the end of the trail which I think is like 3 miles from my house and than I had to ride back. On my ride back I wasnt feeling to good because it was hot and I forgot to drink and eat something before I left.
Eventually I made it back to my house and put my bike back in the shed. When I got into my house I felt really really strange so I went to get a little bit of water so that my body wouldnt dehydrate. As I was doing that the room started spinning and I walked into the my living room and screamed for my brother to call someone. At that point all I could see was white and than nothing. I woke up on my couch with an ice cube on my head and a phone to my ear. My brother called my mom instead of an ambulance haha.
Im all better now but damn was that scary. Im never going on a bike ride without a water bottle ever again.
Happy to be here.
Eventually I made it back to my house and put my bike back in the shed. When I got into my house I felt really really strange so I went to get a little bit of water so that my body wouldnt dehydrate. As I was doing that the room started spinning and I walked into the my living room and screamed for my brother to call someone. At that point all I could see was white and than nothing. I woke up on my couch with an ice cube on my head and a phone to my ear. My brother called my mom instead of an ambulance haha.
Im all better now but damn was that scary. Im never going on a bike ride without a water bottle ever again.
Happy to be here.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Hola fellow bloggers! Its me again.
Today I woke up at like 8:30 which is really early compared to the time I woke up at the beginning of the summer. I went to a meeting with my mom and than we went to a flea market in the town over. I dont know why they call it a flea market... Its makes it sound so dirty and gross. They should just call it a large yard sale or something like that. Anyway... I got some good stuff for really cheap. First off... I got a Bike for $30! Its a little big but whatever its a bike and it was a good price. The other thing I got was a set of dishes for my apartment. I got 4 bowls, 4 plates and 4 mugs for... hold your breath.. $5! No each item wasnt 5 dollars each.. All of them together were 5 dollars. They havent even been used yet. What a bargain.
Only about 28 days until everyone moves in again!!
OOH I forgot. Next sunday im going to Maryland with my family for about 4 days. Im so excited to get a tan and have fun but im not excited about losing money. Why cant they pay me for having an awesome time at the beach with my family? No fair.
Oh well.
Oh and all of you should go onto and type in dear carbs and than click on the first link which should be love letters. VERY FUNNY!
Today I woke up at like 8:30 which is really early compared to the time I woke up at the beginning of the summer. I went to a meeting with my mom and than we went to a flea market in the town over. I dont know why they call it a flea market... Its makes it sound so dirty and gross. They should just call it a large yard sale or something like that. Anyway... I got some good stuff for really cheap. First off... I got a Bike for $30! Its a little big but whatever its a bike and it was a good price. The other thing I got was a set of dishes for my apartment. I got 4 bowls, 4 plates and 4 mugs for... hold your breath.. $5! No each item wasnt 5 dollars each.. All of them together were 5 dollars. They havent even been used yet. What a bargain.
Only about 28 days until everyone moves in again!!
OOH I forgot. Next sunday im going to Maryland with my family for about 4 days. Im so excited to get a tan and have fun but im not excited about losing money. Why cant they pay me for having an awesome time at the beach with my family? No fair.
Oh well.
Oh and all of you should go onto and type in dear carbs and than click on the first link which should be love letters. VERY FUNNY!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
the werkin place
I havent written anything in a while so this is what ive been up to.
As you know I was in boston for a few days which was nice because I LOVE that city.
Other than that ive been working. SHOCKING!! I know.
Work has been kind of strange lately. I dont know what it is but it seems like certain weeks have themes or something. This week is the creepy men and walking away without change week.
People dont like to take their pennies when they pay with cash so they tell me to keep the change and I listen. I have probably gotten like over a dollar in change this week which is awesome because I save my change.
As for the creepy men ugh. My first experience was when these two alcoholic guys came into my line and they were like you should be happy because you have a beautiful smile and beautiful hair and just kept rambling on about how I was beautiful. CLEARLY! they were drunk. My second experience was when I was about to leave last night. This man came into my line and was like hey what are you doing tonight and I was like im just going home and sleeping nothing exciting. He goes... "what??? no party? your not going to a party?" and I was like no.... and he goes do you want to? and I kind of laughed it off and didnt answer him and he goes No... really do you want to? and obviously i said no. So he leans in and takes down my name and says " the next time i come in your going to go to a party with me."
My third experiene was kind of funny. This guy came into my line and at first he said that he only had 10 dollars so i scanned his beer and i got to $9 and I was like ok you cant get anymore. He goes no I found more money... keep going baby dont stop... were almost there. I was trying to hard not to laugh and walk away but i kept scanning and when I was done he goes... "great did a great job. " WTF!!!! haha... And guy number four was a rather young and attractive guy and he just winked at me which was probably nothing.. haha...
Oh my life is so boring yet so interesting
Night creepers
Stephanie Rhiannon
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
So im going to do something that seems to be kind of popular on facebook and what not but its going to be on here rather than facebook. Im going to just blurt out random things that are on my mind about people and or about life and maybe ill feel better. Dont take anything personally and chances are if its something bad .... that person wont be reading it.
- I miss you more than I can put into words. You live way too far for me to drive there and back and I dont have time to see you.
- You are going to pay for your bad choices and I feel really bad for you. I do love you but I am scared about your future.
-I hate you with every fiber of my being. I wish I didnt know you.
- You are the most attention hungry person I have ever met in my entire life and sometimes the thought of you makes me physically sick.
- I really hope that we become better friends. I think your a great person... but you had bad cicumstances.
- Im trying to help you but I dont know how to get through to you. I guess I will just keep trying.
- You are an amazing person and its a shame because no one will ever know.
- I love your spirit. I need more people like you in my life.
- I need a strong drink.
- Even though almost every encounter I have ever had with you made me uncomfortable I appreciate everything you have done for me. You have helped me a lot.
- I see right through you even though I dont totally get you.
- I try to see the good in people before I see the bad.
- Its really a shame that you think im a liar.
-I hate liars.
- You have an excellent voice but your personality makes you suck.
- Until I got to college I felt like I was walking in clouds and I didnt really understand much of anything.
- You will never suceed and I dont know what people see in you.
- You are a cool guy but you can come off as an asshole. I dont know whether or not to trust you.
- I dont trust many people.
- You are not a doormat.
- Sometimes I feel like the most self centered and obnoxious bitch in the world.
- I wish people would tell me bad and good things about my personality so I can make positive changes.
Thats all I can think of right now. You will probably be able to figure out what one goes to certain people. If your bored... take a stab at it. Oh and that last one about the good and bad about my personality... I was serious
- I miss you more than I can put into words. You live way too far for me to drive there and back and I dont have time to see you.
- You are going to pay for your bad choices and I feel really bad for you. I do love you but I am scared about your future.
-I hate you with every fiber of my being. I wish I didnt know you.
- You are the most attention hungry person I have ever met in my entire life and sometimes the thought of you makes me physically sick.
- I really hope that we become better friends. I think your a great person... but you had bad cicumstances.
- Im trying to help you but I dont know how to get through to you. I guess I will just keep trying.
- You are an amazing person and its a shame because no one will ever know.
- I love your spirit. I need more people like you in my life.
- I need a strong drink.
- Even though almost every encounter I have ever had with you made me uncomfortable I appreciate everything you have done for me. You have helped me a lot.
- I see right through you even though I dont totally get you.
- I try to see the good in people before I see the bad.
- Its really a shame that you think im a liar.
-I hate liars.
- You have an excellent voice but your personality makes you suck.
- Until I got to college I felt like I was walking in clouds and I didnt really understand much of anything.
- You will never suceed and I dont know what people see in you.
- You are a cool guy but you can come off as an asshole. I dont know whether or not to trust you.
- I dont trust many people.
- You are not a doormat.
- Sometimes I feel like the most self centered and obnoxious bitch in the world.
- I wish people would tell me bad and good things about my personality so I can make positive changes.
Thats all I can think of right now. You will probably be able to figure out what one goes to certain people. If your bored... take a stab at it. Oh and that last one about the good and bad about my personality... I was serious
Thursday, July 17, 2008
I havent been doing anything lately except for working. Im working two jobs now and its a bit overwhelming. I work at the food store that I cant stand and I babysit a one year old for three days a week. Other things are going on but I dont really feel like talking about it on here.
Next week on wednesday im going to boston for an appointment and than im having laser surgery that Friday. Im happy about it because I love Boston and I need some time to breath and clear my head a little bit.
I can not wait to go back to school. I need to be busy with music and the college life as opposed to being stressed out by my family and work. To tell you the truth.. I would rather be in class than work.
Thats all for now I guess.
Cya bitches
Next week on wednesday im going to boston for an appointment and than im having laser surgery that Friday. Im happy about it because I love Boston and I need some time to breath and clear my head a little bit.
I can not wait to go back to school. I need to be busy with music and the college life as opposed to being stressed out by my family and work. To tell you the truth.. I would rather be in class than work.
Thats all for now I guess.
Cya bitches
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Far from the home I love...
this blog is going to be a stream of conciousness. it will be just random words or phrases having to do with a topic that most of you reading this wont be able to understand.
Home-travel-arrive-scared-clowns-algonquin-friends-awkward-swimming-climbing-mud fights-scavenger hunt-capture the flag- bubba luva- warmth- acceptance- keylog- bobs angels- frances- horrible hannah- antiliano- tampon- alex- hope- killing a frog- canoe- tip the canoe- jordan- electricution- ants- morning songs- karate demonstration- hot air balloon- bag pipes- keg- toilet paper- senir- brandon- candy- torrential downpour- dance- bugs- heat- themes- archery- Coco- wet wood- Jesus H christ- Pinkey- root beer- kettle corn- Ropes Jimmy-George- Goodbyes- growing up- zoo day- clairessa- t-shirts- carnival- butter- milk- MFD- jack- water balloons- Basketball- Bobby brooklyn- love- drama- skits-travel size tooth brush- shower house- meaghan- chris- triumphant- Lola- BONGO- 24 hour silence- tickle me elmo- Moments- Clairessa- WOO WOO- flour- cant breath- hair- cannon- hope to hope- coco farted- painful tickling- fish- big pete- elephant- ashley-chosen family- confidence-counselor.........
These are the kinds of things that keep me up at night. I miss it.
That is all I can think of right now. I miss this.
Home-travel-arrive-scared-clowns-algonquin-friends-awkward-swimming-climbing-mud fights-scavenger hunt-capture the flag- bubba luva- warmth- acceptance- keylog- bobs angels- frances- horrible hannah- antiliano- tampon- alex- hope- killing a frog- canoe- tip the canoe- jordan- electricution- ants- morning songs- karate demonstration- hot air balloon- bag pipes- keg- toilet paper- senir- brandon- candy- torrential downpour- dance- bugs- heat- themes- archery- Coco- wet wood- Jesus H christ- Pinkey- root beer- kettle corn- Ropes Jimmy-George- Goodbyes- growing up- zoo day- clairessa- t-shirts- carnival- butter- milk- MFD- jack- water balloons- Basketball- Bobby brooklyn- love- drama- skits-travel size tooth brush- shower house- meaghan- chris- triumphant- Lola- BONGO- 24 hour silence- tickle me elmo- Moments- Clairessa- WOO WOO- flour- cant breath- hair- cannon- hope to hope- coco farted- painful tickling- fish- big pete- elephant- ashley-chosen family- confidence-counselor.........
These are the kinds of things that keep me up at night. I miss it.
That is all I can think of right now. I miss this.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Random stories or ideas about my job.
Yes my title is actually telling all you lovely people about what is going on in this blog.
The nail lady- Yes people... A few days ago I was at the liquor counter as normal (damn that place to hell) and this lady comes into my line and she hands my her card and all I see is orange. Now she wasnt wearing an orange shirt, orange pants and no.... her hair wasnt orange. Her fingernails were orange. Now your probably thinking... stephanie .... fingernails can be any color they want. Now people... it wasnt the color of her nails that bothered me.... it was how long they were. Her nails were... not even joking... 4 inches long and thick. Everytime i went to grab something from her hand i grabbed her nails and I felt like and idiot. BUT when she left I thought to myself. NO stephanie... dont feel stupid. Shes the one who looks like an asshole.
Deoderant(sp)- Now... we have all come into contact with people who dont shower or they forget to put on deoderant. For some reason the people who come into my line are those people. Almost half of the people that come into my line on a daily basis are dirty and they smell. I know that working in the location I work in should be an excuse but I mean why all the smell in one place. No wonder global warming is happening. Here is my advice to those people. Instead of spending money on a 30 pack of miller lite and marlboro lites everyday... why don you get a smaller case of beer and buy yourself some speed stick.
Alcoholics- Yes its sad but i do deal with some alcoholics. Because I work everyday I see who comes in the store frequently and like ive mentioned many a time before... i work with the alcohol. There are people who come into the store every single day and buy a 30 pack of miller lite and a pack of cigarettes. I know that people dont just save up on beer like... Oh well i drank 3 cans so i have to go to the store and make sure I have enough in case of a storm or something. I know theyre not donating to the homeless because these people are the homeless and they just talk and act really different. Its very sad to tell you all the truth.
Online shopping-This is my last little thing for today. OK so im ringing up some guy at my line when my manager comes over and tells me to close my register when im done with his order. I finish and she tells me that someone had shopped for their groceries online and that I needed to find all of their items in the store and when i was done bring it up to the courtesy desk. First of all..... What the hell is this world coming to where we are so lazy or busy that we can foodshop for ourselves. We cant get out of bed...take a shower... and get our own groceries. Madness... Ok soo I have this list of groceries that is like 10 pages long of different things and Im walking aimlessly around the store...The list says diet pepsi 2 liter.... and im like wow this is going to be easy. I get to the diet pepsi and i check they bar code and it doesnt match. I had to do this for everything on this list... IM thinkin jesus christ... and i was right. I went through 3 ailes (sp) in 2 hours and i didnt find everything in those three ailes. If you love yourself... dont online foodshop.
Peace to ya mama
The nail lady- Yes people... A few days ago I was at the liquor counter as normal (damn that place to hell) and this lady comes into my line and she hands my her card and all I see is orange. Now she wasnt wearing an orange shirt, orange pants and no.... her hair wasnt orange. Her fingernails were orange. Now your probably thinking... stephanie .... fingernails can be any color they want. Now people... it wasnt the color of her nails that bothered me.... it was how long they were. Her nails were... not even joking... 4 inches long and thick. Everytime i went to grab something from her hand i grabbed her nails and I felt like and idiot. BUT when she left I thought to myself. NO stephanie... dont feel stupid. Shes the one who looks like an asshole.
Deoderant(sp)- Now... we have all come into contact with people who dont shower or they forget to put on deoderant. For some reason the people who come into my line are those people. Almost half of the people that come into my line on a daily basis are dirty and they smell. I know that working in the location I work in should be an excuse but I mean why all the smell in one place. No wonder global warming is happening. Here is my advice to those people. Instead of spending money on a 30 pack of miller lite and marlboro lites everyday... why don you get a smaller case of beer and buy yourself some speed stick.
Alcoholics- Yes its sad but i do deal with some alcoholics. Because I work everyday I see who comes in the store frequently and like ive mentioned many a time before... i work with the alcohol. There are people who come into the store every single day and buy a 30 pack of miller lite and a pack of cigarettes. I know that people dont just save up on beer like... Oh well i drank 3 cans so i have to go to the store and make sure I have enough in case of a storm or something. I know theyre not donating to the homeless because these people are the homeless and they just talk and act really different. Its very sad to tell you all the truth.
Online shopping-This is my last little thing for today. OK so im ringing up some guy at my line when my manager comes over and tells me to close my register when im done with his order. I finish and she tells me that someone had shopped for their groceries online and that I needed to find all of their items in the store and when i was done bring it up to the courtesy desk. First of all..... What the hell is this world coming to where we are so lazy or busy that we can foodshop for ourselves. We cant get out of bed...take a shower... and get our own groceries. Madness... Ok soo I have this list of groceries that is like 10 pages long of different things and Im walking aimlessly around the store...The list says diet pepsi 2 liter.... and im like wow this is going to be easy. I get to the diet pepsi and i check they bar code and it doesnt match. I had to do this for everything on this list... IM thinkin jesus christ... and i was right. I went through 3 ailes (sp) in 2 hours and i didnt find everything in those three ailes. If you love yourself... dont online foodshop.
Peace to ya mama
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Papercuts betweens your fingers
uGh!... ok so yesterday I went to AC because a few people from school were supposed to get together to have a party and stuff. I left my house around 2:30 and I didnt get there until 6 something. I did stop at Best buy and the mall but I also hit traffic. So I get to the girls house and I was the only one there at that time but I figured that because i was planning on getting there early. So 7:20 rolls around and two people show up. Times keeps on going and NO ONE ELSE SHOWS UP!!!!! There were four of us sitting around and talking trying to have fun but it didnt work. The two people left around 10:30 and I wanted to leave with them but I felt really bad for the girl whose house it was. I slept over and i watched CloverField which was really scary. I drove home this morning and I almost got lost. I ended up leaving her house around 12 and got home around 4. There was so much traffic.
I am so pissed off and embarrassed that I went. Actually... im pissed and embarrassed that no one else showed up.
I dont know what else to say.
I am so pissed off and embarrassed that I went. Actually... im pissed and embarrassed that no one else showed up.
I dont know what else to say.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Donde esta santa claus?
As you might have noticed... the titles to my blog never have anything to do with my blog.
My friend sent me this awesome site.... this is one of the pictures from it.
My friend sent me this awesome site.... this is one of the pictures from it.

Very funny. If you would like to see more of this kind of stuff... Stop by at
That is all for today. Cant wait for Saturday!
Adios Amigos
Senora Estephania
Monday, June 30, 2008
My blogs are always too long.
My best friend is having a baby and she said that I can be one of the aunts. Im kind of scared but also excited for her. Shes only 18 and she just graduated from HS. She has her whole life in front of her and im scared that she wont be able to live her life because she has a child. Things will work out though because she has her parents to help her out.
My best friend is having a baby and she said that I can be one of the aunts. Im kind of scared but also excited for her. Shes only 18 and she just graduated from HS. She has her whole life in front of her and im scared that she wont be able to live her life because she has a child. Things will work out though because she has her parents to help her out.
I started my job two days ago and it is so easy but not at the same time. I just have to stand there and do the cashier thing but i get so tired of just standing there and some people are so rude. Its also kind of nerve wracking because in the store, they sell alcohol and cigarettes and I have to tell whether I think someone is of age to buy the stuff. Whenever someone comes over and has alcohol or wants cigarettes I think about the time I went to the quikie mark and bought cigarettes at the age of 18 when the age is 19. Even though it was one year difference... the guy didnt card me. Whatever I guess. I just dont want to go to jail.
I always feel like awkward people are attracted to me. Now ... when I say attracted to me I mean it in both ways like "sexually" and just like friendship wise. Today for example, I was working at this one register for a half hour at the end of my shift and the kid next to me was a little off. Every time I wasnt ringing someone up he was talking to me about how long ive been working there and other random stuff that I just kind of smiled at and ignored. He said one thing to me that made me go .... wtf is this kid talking about. He goes "your just three steps below me." and I thought... Im not below you... at all.....So I turned to him and asked what he meant by that. Now... ive never met this kid in my life until like 5 minutes before i had this little conversation with him. He goes "On the schedule, you are three spots below me." .....? How the ...WHy.... ????... Why does he know that? Ive never even seen my own schedule let alone would I know the names of the people around me. It freaked me out a little bit. I think that people who are a little bit off see that im a push over and they feel comfortable and accepted or something... Or maybe they will just talk to anyone ...even themselves and hope that someone answers..
Peace to your mama
Stephanie-son The ninja
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Volcanic Eruption
Oh I love this blogger thing...Its such a great out let.
So the time has finally come... I GOT A JOB...FOR REAL! I went in today to hand in all of my paperwork and they gave me hours and everything. Im going to be working at the foodstore that I worked at last year before I went to PCI. I felt so special when I walked in because the kid working behind the counter remembered who I was and we started talking about nothing really interesting until the manager came out. The manager somehow found out that I sing opera which is weird because I have never met this man in my life nor have I told anyone that works there. Well he asked me to sing for me and I said no. I find that funny.... You go somewhere and someone knows that you sing and thinks that youll just sing for them right there in the middle of a food store. Well anyway.... this kid other kid working behind the counter was like wait you sing... im the only person who can sing around here (totally joking) and I told him I would challenge him when I started working.. It was funny.
So the time has finally come... I GOT A JOB...FOR REAL! I went in today to hand in all of my paperwork and they gave me hours and everything. Im going to be working at the foodstore that I worked at last year before I went to PCI. I felt so special when I walked in because the kid working behind the counter remembered who I was and we started talking about nothing really interesting until the manager came out. The manager somehow found out that I sing opera which is weird because I have never met this man in my life nor have I told anyone that works there. Well he asked me to sing for me and I said no. I find that funny.... You go somewhere and someone knows that you sing and thinks that youll just sing for them right there in the middle of a food store. Well anyway.... this kid other kid working behind the counter was like wait you sing... im the only person who can sing around here (totally joking) and I told him I would challenge him when I started working.. It was funny.
Oh working.... its kind of bitter sweet because I NEED money but I wont have any free time to do anything if I wanted to randomly go and hang out with people. This first week back.... I have 24 hours and 6 of them are on the fourth of July... Oh well... I got what I wanted.
ALSO now that I am working Im not going to have time to learn my music for school. I need so much time to learn my new music. I have 8 or 9 new songs that I need to learn by the time I get back to school and I dont have a piano and I cant sing in the house. How in the fuckin world am I going to manage this? Yeah..... To anyone who said that being a music major is easy and all I do is sing all day and go to rehearsal... Go to hell.... I hate that. I want all those people to live in my or any other musicians shoes for 2 weeks and see how it is. UGH!!!! Sorry about that. I just get so annoyed when people think that being a performer is so easy. Well if you think that its easy.. All I can say is thank you because that means im doing a good job. ALSO! I dont have a guaranteed job when I get out of school. You have to be the best of the best of the best to make it and if you are having an off day or your a little bit sick your screwed! Ok I need to stop.
I dont know what else to write.
Cant wait to see some of you Rowan people soon.. You should know who you are.
Peace and Love Always
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Ay Dios Mio
Here I am!! :)
No I didnt fall into a volcano or get abducted by aliens like the tabloids are saying. I just went to NY for my best friends graduation party. :)
I tried to update this the day I got back but my computer, being the piece of shit that it is, died on me and I lost the long blog I wrote.
I woke up at 10 because I figured Clairessa and Coco (my friends) were going to get to my house around 1 or 2 giving me enough time to pack, shower and clean. Boy was I wrong. When I woke up, I saw that I had a text from Coco asking where I lived. I called her and asked her where she was and she said that they wer a town over from where I live. I freaked out and tried to help them as much as I could in my frantic state. They eventually found their way to my house and had to wait for me to take a shower and pack and than we were on our way. Nothing too eventful happened that night aside from one thing that I am not allowed to say on here. Im scared of who might be reading.
Friday coco and I woke up in the afternoon and showered so that we could go to clairessas moms school and meet this young boy Isaiah. Isaiah was burned about a year ago and he was going to
be going to the same camp that the three of us had gone to and he wanted to ask questions and stuff. He was a little bit nervous but we broke him in by playing UNO with N*sync playing cards while he drank chocolate syrup out of someone elses bottle. After that we went on this awesome slide and went home. After the school we had about 3 hours to get ready and get to the party so we decided to get our nails done. Coco and I got Pedicures and Clairessa and her mom got manicures and pedicures. Getting our nails done took a lot longer than we expected and we got out of the salon by 6. The party started at 6:30 and we werent dressed yet. We got there at 6:30 and partied it up until we couldnt party anymore. Good times. OH and there was a fire drill and when the fire fighters came to stop the alarm coco and I got so excited and we started to cheer for them. Twas funny.. Only the burned kids can make that happen.
On Saturday, we went to the city and visited some firefighters who are also counselors at the camp we went to. I dont remember what else we did.

Sunday we went to the beach. It wasnt really beach weather but we didnt care. We got to the beach and it was kind of cold but again we didnt care. We went into the water and it was freezing so we inched our way in. The waves were really rough and ended up knocking us over many times. I lost my ring and im kind of upset about it. THANK GOD it wasnt my graduation ring though. That shit costs $300. After the beach we went to target in our bathin suits and went shopping for dry clothes. We werent smart enough to bring them but whatever. I got these awesome and really comfortable bermuda shorts and a white shirt. Im not a fan of white but i didnt really see anything else. From target we went to the city to see another fire fighter. We got to see him for like 3 minutes because he got a call and had to go on the truck and go save lives. That was that and we went on our way.
Monday I didnt really do anything during they day. When we left the house we went to see another firefighter at his house and we stayed there for like 6 hours. haha Clairessa and Coco took me home from there and we parted. When Coco met my brother she thought he was cute. Everyone says that... but I dont really see it.
Since ive been home i have been bored. Today I went food shopping because my brother was getting pissy because he didnt have his pinepple cottage cheese. EW! He was happy when he got home until him and my other brother got into a HUGE fight. I hate it when my brothers fight because I always have to be the mediator or theyll kill each other. This is why I cant wait to go back to school. At the same time, Im scared to leave because who is going to keep them from beating the shit out of each other. Oy vey.....
OH! Shout out to Justin! Im not trying to steal your sign off thing. I just got bored.
For now everyone....
No I didnt fall into a volcano or get abducted by aliens like the tabloids are saying. I just went to NY for my best friends graduation party. :)
I tried to update this the day I got back but my computer, being the piece of shit that it is, died on me and I lost the long blog I wrote.
I woke up at 10 because I figured Clairessa and Coco (my friends) were going to get to my house around 1 or 2 giving me enough time to pack, shower and clean. Boy was I wrong. When I woke up, I saw that I had a text from Coco asking where I lived. I called her and asked her where she was and she said that they wer a town over from where I live. I freaked out and tried to help them as much as I could in my frantic state. They eventually found their way to my house and had to wait for me to take a shower and pack and than we were on our way. Nothing too eventful happened that night aside from one thing that I am not allowed to say on here. Im scared of who might be reading.
Friday coco and I woke up in the afternoon and showered so that we could go to clairessas moms school and meet this young boy Isaiah. Isaiah was burned about a year ago and he was going to

On Saturday, we went to the city and visited some firefighters who are also counselors at the camp we went to. I dont remember what else we did.
Sunday we went to the beach. It wasnt really beach weather but we didnt care. We got to the beach and it was kind of cold but again we didnt care. We went into the water and it was freezing so we inched our way in. The waves were really rough and ended up knocking us over many times. I lost my ring and im kind of upset about it. THANK GOD it wasnt my graduation ring though. That shit costs $300. After the beach we went to target in our bathin suits and went shopping for dry clothes. We werent smart enough to bring them but whatever. I got these awesome and really comfortable bermuda shorts and a white shirt. Im not a fan of white but i didnt really see anything else. From target we went to the city to see another fire fighter. We got to see him for like 3 minutes because he got a call and had to go on the truck and go save lives. That was that and we went on our way.
Monday I didnt really do anything during they day. When we left the house we went to see another firefighter at his house and we stayed there for like 6 hours. haha Clairessa and Coco took me home from there and we parted. When Coco met my brother she thought he was cute. Everyone says that... but I dont really see it.
Since ive been home i have been bored. Today I went food shopping because my brother was getting pissy because he didnt have his pinepple cottage cheese. EW! He was happy when he got home until him and my other brother got into a HUGE fight. I hate it when my brothers fight because I always have to be the mediator or theyll kill each other. This is why I cant wait to go back to school. At the same time, Im scared to leave because who is going to keep them from beating the shit out of each other. Oy vey.....
OH! Shout out to Justin! Im not trying to steal your sign off thing. I just got bored.
For now everyone....
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Here we go again with my rambling!
Ok so yesterday I woke up around 11 to my phone ringing and it was my friend Joey from HS and he wanted to know if I wanted to go to Sea Side with him and a few other people... I decided hell to the yeah. So I showered and hurried myself over to his house. It took us about an hour to get there but it didnt feel like it because we talked and laughed the whole way. When we got there, bought tickets and went on a few rides. Let me tell you! They had one of those scary houses that you sit in a car with one other person and you just ride through the house.... well that was THE SCARIEST! "haunted" house ive ever been in. Normally I laugh at them but I was legit. screaming.
After that, we went on a scrambler that was in the dark. To get to the ride you had to walk through this little tunnle thing and this tube was spinning around it. I couldnt walk through it because I kept falling over.. It was really weird.
After the two rides we walked over to get some food and we got the BIGGEST slices of pizza I have ever seen in my life.
After the Pizza we went over to one of those places where you dress up in costumes and get you picture taken. We had a LOT of fun with that... haha The guy who was taking the pictures kept hitting on my friend liz ....asking her if she wanted help taking her costume off and telling her that if she bought the costume she was wearing it would be GREAT for foreplay.. Yeah very funny.
We got our pictures and went to my friend Ilyssas beach house. We got some water and headed over to the ebach which was like 3 houses over. We played tis random game, played with crunchy sand and slashed around in the water. That it was a really good time
After getting some ice cream, we headed back to joeys house where we played Mad Gab and this card game called Dutch Blitz. I am totally going to go out and buy both games because they so much fun.
Today I woke up to Ilyssa calling me and I think I scared her because I guess I sound scary when I just wake up. Sorry ID. I showered and got dressed and drove over to liz's house. Ilyssa and I went to her voice lesson where I just tagged along so that I could surprise my voice teacher and let her know how I was doing. After the lesson we went back to Liz's house and just hung out by playing dutch blitz. I got to see my Little and than I decided it was time to go home.
I had to get home so I could pack and get to sleep early.
Tomorrow to Sunday I am going to NY for my friends Graduation party. My friend clairessa and Coco are going to be there and I miss them so much. It should be a lot of fun. :)
I dont know what else to write. I do miss everyone from Rowan so I hope to see you all soon!
Tata for now
Peace, love and chicken grease
Ok so yesterday I woke up around 11 to my phone ringing and it was my friend Joey from HS and he wanted to know if I wanted to go to Sea Side with him and a few other people... I decided hell to the yeah. So I showered and hurried myself over to his house. It took us about an hour to get there but it didnt feel like it because we talked and laughed the whole way. When we got there, bought tickets and went on a few rides. Let me tell you! They had one of those scary houses that you sit in a car with one other person and you just ride through the house.... well that was THE SCARIEST! "haunted" house ive ever been in. Normally I laugh at them but I was legit. screaming.
After that, we went on a scrambler that was in the dark. To get to the ride you had to walk through this little tunnle thing and this tube was spinning around it. I couldnt walk through it because I kept falling over.. It was really weird.
After the two rides we walked over to get some food and we got the BIGGEST slices of pizza I have ever seen in my life.
After the Pizza we went over to one of those places where you dress up in costumes and get you picture taken. We had a LOT of fun with that... haha The guy who was taking the pictures kept hitting on my friend liz ....asking her if she wanted help taking her costume off and telling her that if she bought the costume she was wearing it would be GREAT for foreplay.. Yeah very funny.
We got our pictures and went to my friend Ilyssas beach house. We got some water and headed over to the ebach which was like 3 houses over. We played tis random game, played with crunchy sand and slashed around in the water. That it was a really good time
After getting some ice cream, we headed back to joeys house where we played Mad Gab and this card game called Dutch Blitz. I am totally going to go out and buy both games because they so much fun.
Today I woke up to Ilyssa calling me and I think I scared her because I guess I sound scary when I just wake up. Sorry ID. I showered and got dressed and drove over to liz's house. Ilyssa and I went to her voice lesson where I just tagged along so that I could surprise my voice teacher and let her know how I was doing. After the lesson we went back to Liz's house and just hung out by playing dutch blitz. I got to see my Little and than I decided it was time to go home.
I had to get home so I could pack and get to sleep early.
Tomorrow to Sunday I am going to NY for my friends Graduation party. My friend clairessa and Coco are going to be there and I miss them so much. It should be a lot of fun. :)
I dont know what else to write. I do miss everyone from Rowan so I hope to see you all soon!
Tata for now
Peace, love and chicken grease
Monday, June 16, 2008
Ok so today was a probably the busiest (sp) day i've had all summer even though I didnt do a lot. Thats kind of sad haha..
I woke up around 12:30 because my mom called me to wake me up for my doctors appointment. I wasn't a happy camper but I got up anyway because I really wanted to go to this appointment. So I showered, got dressed and left for my appointment.
I drove to the office after cashing a check from my g-ma and I got sooooo lost. I drove around the building like 3 times until I found the section I was supposed to be in but I was still lost. I walked around this one building for like 10 minutes until I realized that it was the wrong building haha... I had never been to this place before so it was ok.
So I went into the office... blah blah blah. I had this thing on my back that was bothering me and with my g-mas history of skin cancer I wanted to get it checked out. The doctor came in and looked at it and said that it looked fine but that there was something else on my back that looked suspicious. That scared me a little bit. :\. 2 minutes later this nurse came in and shot my back with some novacaine and I started crying because im a little bitch and im terrified of needles. After that they cut whatever off of my back and sent me packin.
On my drive home I realized that I had a lot of money and time to kill so I thought about getting my hair done. For a long while now I have been contemplating getting my hair body waaved. For those of you who dont know what that is... its like a perm but not as curly. Im just so sick of my hair being straight. Whatevs.. So I ended up chickening out and went to a store to look at dressy clothes for this grad. party im supposed to be going to this weekend. I came up with nothing
:( Oh well... I still have a lot of money and its always fun to play dress up even if your not interested in buying anything.
When I got bored I came home and ate dinner and went to my Interview for the movies.
The interview was very casual and the lady said that she would check my refrences and get back to me so im pretty excited. If I get the job im going to be working the concession stand which is eh.. but its money that I didnt have before and its time that I would be doing nothing.
I like interacting with people .... 'tis fun. Its funny because before my interview I was talking to the kid who was selling tickets and he said that he HATED working there and that he was quitting soon. He also told me that he was going to be going to school in Ohio and that he WANTED to go to tcnj but they never got back to him. If this situation happened like 2 months ago it wouldnt have gone the same way because every day I am becoming more comfortable with myself which makes it easy for other people to be comfortable with me. OH by the way... this kid was reeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy cute and I wasnt intimidated! YAY haha
Um when I got home I tried to explain things to my mom but she didnt want to hear it so I watched some tv and went for a jog. I jogged the whole thing without walking and I felt SO accomplished. Im sure some of you are reading this and saying ..... jogging without stopping is not that exciting steph.. but for my tubby ass it is. Im really trying to get into better shape for when I see people in July and for when I got to Maryland in August. It will also help me with my singing because I will have an easier time supporting and everything... im not going to get into the technical stuff with that but yeah...
So that was my drawn out and boring day. Sorry if that made no sense and that most of the sentences are incomplete and wrong. When I write this... its kind of a stream of thoughts just exploding through my fingers onto the screen.
I hope SOMEONE is actually reading this... if not.... at least Ill have it to look back on when im all old and wrinkly.
Peace out girl scouts!! (damn they make good cookies)
I woke up around 12:30 because my mom called me to wake me up for my doctors appointment. I wasn't a happy camper but I got up anyway because I really wanted to go to this appointment. So I showered, got dressed and left for my appointment.
I drove to the office after cashing a check from my g-ma and I got sooooo lost. I drove around the building like 3 times until I found the section I was supposed to be in but I was still lost. I walked around this one building for like 10 minutes until I realized that it was the wrong building haha... I had never been to this place before so it was ok.
So I went into the office... blah blah blah. I had this thing on my back that was bothering me and with my g-mas history of skin cancer I wanted to get it checked out. The doctor came in and looked at it and said that it looked fine but that there was something else on my back that looked suspicious. That scared me a little bit. :\. 2 minutes later this nurse came in and shot my back with some novacaine and I started crying because im a little bitch and im terrified of needles. After that they cut whatever off of my back and sent me packin.
On my drive home I realized that I had a lot of money and time to kill so I thought about getting my hair done. For a long while now I have been contemplating getting my hair body waaved. For those of you who dont know what that is... its like a perm but not as curly. Im just so sick of my hair being straight. Whatevs.. So I ended up chickening out and went to a store to look at dressy clothes for this grad. party im supposed to be going to this weekend. I came up with nothing
:( Oh well... I still have a lot of money and its always fun to play dress up even if your not interested in buying anything.
When I got bored I came home and ate dinner and went to my Interview for the movies.
The interview was very casual and the lady said that she would check my refrences and get back to me so im pretty excited. If I get the job im going to be working the concession stand which is eh.. but its money that I didnt have before and its time that I would be doing nothing.
I like interacting with people .... 'tis fun. Its funny because before my interview I was talking to the kid who was selling tickets and he said that he HATED working there and that he was quitting soon. He also told me that he was going to be going to school in Ohio and that he WANTED to go to tcnj but they never got back to him. If this situation happened like 2 months ago it wouldnt have gone the same way because every day I am becoming more comfortable with myself which makes it easy for other people to be comfortable with me. OH by the way... this kid was reeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy cute and I wasnt intimidated! YAY haha
Um when I got home I tried to explain things to my mom but she didnt want to hear it so I watched some tv and went for a jog. I jogged the whole thing without walking and I felt SO accomplished. Im sure some of you are reading this and saying ..... jogging without stopping is not that exciting steph.. but for my tubby ass it is. Im really trying to get into better shape for when I see people in July and for when I got to Maryland in August. It will also help me with my singing because I will have an easier time supporting and everything... im not going to get into the technical stuff with that but yeah...
So that was my drawn out and boring day. Sorry if that made no sense and that most of the sentences are incomplete and wrong. When I write this... its kind of a stream of thoughts just exploding through my fingers onto the screen.
I hope SOMEONE is actually reading this... if not.... at least Ill have it to look back on when im all old and wrinkly.
Peace out girl scouts!! (damn they make good cookies)
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Happy Joy Joy
Today was a good day!! :)
First I woke up and took a shower like a normal day. When I was done getting ready, it started to rain and my mom realized that her car windows were open so I dashed outside and saved the day by closing her moon roof and her driver side window. At that point I decided it was an awesome idea to start dancing in the rain and so I did. My hair got soaked along with all of the clothing on my body. My mom took pictures and it was a good time. Maybe... if I can figure out how to put pictures on here I will show ya'll some of them.
My family came over and we had a fathers Day/ My birthday get together and it was nice. My whole family came over and we had food and hung around and talked about how we were all doing. We also planned our family vacation. We are going to Maryland at the beginning of August and were staying at this really nice hotel. The hotel has an indoor and outdoor pool, a game room, a work out room, a tanning bed and its right on the water. So yeah. I love long car rides, especially with my cousin because we are both ridiculous and we make each other laugh. The last time we went on a family vacation we went to myrtle beach to drop my brother off at college. Me and my cousin made these signs and held them against the window to tell people that we liked their cars and to honk at us and stuff. It saved us from paying attention to the barry manilow that my aunt insisted on playing all 12 hours down there. haha. Finally when we got near our destination we saw all of these signs for south of the border and by seeing all of the signs we got so excited! All we wanted to do was see the south of the border and buy fireworks. When we got there, it was this run down almost dirt road with a few stores and we werent allowed to buy the fireworks because our parents said no. That trip was interesting. I ended up getting in a HUGE fight with my grandma and she called me a bitch and it was just crazy. I can laugh about it now. That was such a good trip and I hope that the trip to Maryland is even better.
Other good news today!
I finally got a call from one of the places that I applied to. I applied to the movie theater like 2 or 3 weeks ago and they finally called me to have an interview. I really hope they hire me because im so bored lately and I need money.... BAD! I would work from opening to closing if they wanted me to. Gas is just so expensive these days that I need any money I can get. My grandma gave me some money for my birthday today but money goes fast. I plan on getting my hair done, a digital camera and some kind of voice lessons during the summer so yeah... I NEED MOOLAH!
Onto some not so exciting news.
After my family left today my mom had to go to the store to get her lottery numbers and so I went with her. I wanted to go for a walk so after she bought her numbers we drove down to the beachfront which is like 30 seconds by car and we started walking. While I was walking I saw this ADORABLE! cat and it had a collar so I told my mom to call the number. She did and the owner said she would be right there because that was the second call she got. So my mom told me to pick up the cat so we could walk over to the front of this little restaurant and wait for the lady to come. Well at first the cat didnt mind being held but after about a minute she started flipping out and she scratched my had. Now I have an ugly scratch down the middle of my palm. It hurts. :( Oh well
So thats my life right now. I will post back soon to write about my interview and say whether or not I got the job.
Holla Holla ...
Peace out!
First I woke up and took a shower like a normal day. When I was done getting ready, it started to rain and my mom realized that her car windows were open so I dashed outside and saved the day by closing her moon roof and her driver side window. At that point I decided it was an awesome idea to start dancing in the rain and so I did. My hair got soaked along with all of the clothing on my body. My mom took pictures and it was a good time. Maybe... if I can figure out how to put pictures on here I will show ya'll some of them.
My family came over and we had a fathers Day/ My birthday get together and it was nice. My whole family came over and we had food and hung around and talked about how we were all doing. We also planned our family vacation. We are going to Maryland at the beginning of August and were staying at this really nice hotel. The hotel has an indoor and outdoor pool, a game room, a work out room, a tanning bed and its right on the water. So yeah. I love long car rides, especially with my cousin because we are both ridiculous and we make each other laugh. The last time we went on a family vacation we went to myrtle beach to drop my brother off at college. Me and my cousin made these signs and held them against the window to tell people that we liked their cars and to honk at us and stuff. It saved us from paying attention to the barry manilow that my aunt insisted on playing all 12 hours down there. haha. Finally when we got near our destination we saw all of these signs for south of the border and by seeing all of the signs we got so excited! All we wanted to do was see the south of the border and buy fireworks. When we got there, it was this run down almost dirt road with a few stores and we werent allowed to buy the fireworks because our parents said no. That trip was interesting. I ended up getting in a HUGE fight with my grandma and she called me a bitch and it was just crazy. I can laugh about it now. That was such a good trip and I hope that the trip to Maryland is even better.
Other good news today!
I finally got a call from one of the places that I applied to. I applied to the movie theater like 2 or 3 weeks ago and they finally called me to have an interview. I really hope they hire me because im so bored lately and I need money.... BAD! I would work from opening to closing if they wanted me to. Gas is just so expensive these days that I need any money I can get. My grandma gave me some money for my birthday today but money goes fast. I plan on getting my hair done, a digital camera and some kind of voice lessons during the summer so yeah... I NEED MOOLAH!
Onto some not so exciting news.
After my family left today my mom had to go to the store to get her lottery numbers and so I went with her. I wanted to go for a walk so after she bought her numbers we drove down to the beachfront which is like 30 seconds by car and we started walking. While I was walking I saw this ADORABLE! cat and it had a collar so I told my mom to call the number. She did and the owner said she would be right there because that was the second call she got. So my mom told me to pick up the cat so we could walk over to the front of this little restaurant and wait for the lady to come. Well at first the cat didnt mind being held but after about a minute she started flipping out and she scratched my had. Now I have an ugly scratch down the middle of my palm. It hurts. :( Oh well
So thats my life right now. I will post back soon to write about my interview and say whether or not I got the job.
Holla Holla ...
Peace out!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Hola Hello Aloha
Howdy there to all of you precious people reading this blog. Haha...
Im actually going to try to keep this blog going unlike the 4 or 5 other blogs that I have.
Nothing interesting is going on lately. Im waiting to get a job and im waiting to go to New York. In New York im going to my friends Grad Party and its going to be a lot of fun! Im going to be at her families apartment with her and my other really good friend CoCo. I havent seen them since the winter so I really miss them. When we are together really funny things happen so its going to be a lot of fun. There is a video on my facebook of an adventure we had in Boston. If you cant see the video I will explain it to you.
So my friend Clairessa was driving around Boston trying to find the way out but we just kept passing the same things over and over again. Keep in mind people.... we had one of those GPS things that is supposed to give you directions. YEAH they dont really help. I think it was trying to kill us because it was telling us to turn down one ways and into building and stuff. Pretty wild. So the video is me taping my friend coco dancing in the back seat to spanish music, us seeing a strech limo that we had seen about 3 times before and coco talking about how the GPS doesnt have a uterus or a homing device which is why we couldnt get home. Obviously we got back to cocos house. Haha.. So yeah im banking on a good time.
UM!!! Now im just going to rant about or explain some other things that have been going on.
#1- I totally got a full scholarship to go to school! I am so excited! It covers tuition which is the bulk of what I use my school loans for. Hopefully now I will have money to pay for gas and groceries so that I can eat and get around. :)
#2- A friend of mine told me about a month ago that he was in love with me. That kind of freaked me out. I didnt and dont know how to react to it because I dont feel the same way. He is going to be gone for another 2 or 3 months so I have time to think about it and let him come to his senses.
#3- If your reading this and you know how I am normally VERY passive.... well dont expect me to be SO passive anymore. I have come to my senses and I have grown some balls. I am going to stand up for myself from now on because I realize that no one deserves to be treated like shit. If people dont like how I really am they can find someone else to hang out with. Dont get me wrong. I am still going to be nice to people but if someone gets on my nerves theyre going to know about it.
I dont know what else to write for today.
Peace and Love
Im actually going to try to keep this blog going unlike the 4 or 5 other blogs that I have.
Nothing interesting is going on lately. Im waiting to get a job and im waiting to go to New York. In New York im going to my friends Grad Party and its going to be a lot of fun! Im going to be at her families apartment with her and my other really good friend CoCo. I havent seen them since the winter so I really miss them. When we are together really funny things happen so its going to be a lot of fun. There is a video on my facebook of an adventure we had in Boston. If you cant see the video I will explain it to you.
So my friend Clairessa was driving around Boston trying to find the way out but we just kept passing the same things over and over again. Keep in mind people.... we had one of those GPS things that is supposed to give you directions. YEAH they dont really help. I think it was trying to kill us because it was telling us to turn down one ways and into building and stuff. Pretty wild. So the video is me taping my friend coco dancing in the back seat to spanish music, us seeing a strech limo that we had seen about 3 times before and coco talking about how the GPS doesnt have a uterus or a homing device which is why we couldnt get home. Obviously we got back to cocos house. Haha.. So yeah im banking on a good time.
UM!!! Now im just going to rant about or explain some other things that have been going on.
#1- I totally got a full scholarship to go to school! I am so excited! It covers tuition which is the bulk of what I use my school loans for. Hopefully now I will have money to pay for gas and groceries so that I can eat and get around. :)
#2- A friend of mine told me about a month ago that he was in love with me. That kind of freaked me out. I didnt and dont know how to react to it because I dont feel the same way. He is going to be gone for another 2 or 3 months so I have time to think about it and let him come to his senses.
#3- If your reading this and you know how I am normally VERY passive.... well dont expect me to be SO passive anymore. I have come to my senses and I have grown some balls. I am going to stand up for myself from now on because I realize that no one deserves to be treated like shit. If people dont like how I really am they can find someone else to hang out with. Dont get me wrong. I am still going to be nice to people but if someone gets on my nerves theyre going to know about it.
I dont know what else to write for today.
Peace and Love
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